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About this mod
11 recolors of the Banished Knight Armor Set in 4K resolution. Scrollwork/detailing added to the cape. Mitten on the right gauntlet and duck feet removed/replaced. Individual and all in one download available.
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A total of 11 recolors of the Banished Knight Armor Set for you to choose from. Includes all variations of the armor. The textures have been upscaled to 4K using Gigapixel AI, making the armor crisper and clearer than upscaling in Photoshop. Scrollwork/detailing has been added to the cape, so that it is no longer blank. I would need to create a new normal map for the chest piece in order for it to "pop" like the scrollwork on the hood and tabard, which is something I haven't figured out yet nor had the time to do. Normal maps, for those who don't know, are what give perceivedheight on a texture, like engravings or stitches. They're an entirely different beast from recoloring diffuse textures. Courtesy of ScaledFeather and their mod Banished Knight Greaves Modified, the greaves no longer have duck feet. They were kind enough to let me implement their design into this mod. Additionally I was able to replace the mitten on the right gauntlet with a duplicate of the left. The same edit is also available for the vanilla armor in my mod De-Mittened Gauntlets. **Disclaimers! Please Read!** There's a tiny bit of clipping with the gauntlets. I useREVENANT ReShade, specifically the Lush version with a couple tweaks of my own. This is reflected in the screenshots I took for this mod, so keep in mind that it may look differently for you if you do not use a ReShade! DO NOT attempt to play the game online while using any mods or you will be banned! DownloadAnti-cheat toggler and offline launcherto circumvent EAC, or if you use Mod Engine 2 then that program will automatically disable it. Modding Tips Installation Uninstallation
Ray Tracing must be turned off!Using any mods that edit models like this one, with Ray Tracing on, will crash the game! There is no fix for this as what would have to change is out of my control: either Ray Tracing itself or the very tools we modders use for FromSoftware titles have to change.
I also use Texture Improvement, specifically the 4K textures. This is, again, reflected in the screenshots and so your game/recolors may look different than mine!
This mod can be installed while the game is running, meaning that you don't have to quit the game in order to do so. Tab out of the game (I recommend setting the game to Windowed Borderless), and install the mod as you normally would. Then, back in the game, all you have to do is equip the modded armor. If you were already wearing the armor this mod effects, then you should only have to un-equip and then re-equip the armor for the changes to take effect. If you aren't seeing changes then un-equip the armor, back out of all menus (including the "pause" menu with emotes on the right hand side), and re-equip the armor. Traveling to a Site of Grace can also work.
There is also a way to make the recolors show up on co-op partners, NPCs and the Mimic Tear. Within the parts folder there are numerous files called DCX Files. I always make sure to include altered and unaltered versions, and both genders if the armor has one for each. All you need to do is make a copy and add "_l" directly before the period in the DCX file name. That's an underscore and lowercase L. So, for example, you'd change am_m_1650.partsbnd into am_m_1650_l.partsbnd. Do this for each armor piece (am = gauntlets, bd = chest piece, hd = helmet, lg = greaves. Very few armors separate by gender, but if there is one, there will be an "f" in the middle rather than an "m" for a female body type). Continuing the example: if you started with 5 DCX files, you'll end with 10. This way the mod shows up on you and your co-op partner/NPC/Mimic Tear.
Mod Engine 2 [RECOMMENDED]
Simply delete the DCX files in the parts folder, or the entire parts folder if this is the only mod you have installed that uses it. Make sure that the game is not running when you do this, otherwise the armor will be invisible.Graphics/ReShade/Mods Used for Screenshots
Remove vignetteRemove chromatic aberration REVENANT Lush ReShade personal tweaks: Disable ADOF, Chromatic Aberration, and Border. I play on a 21:9 (3440x1440) ultrawide monitor with an NVIDIA RTX 3080. In game settings, I turned Depth of Field and Motion Blur off. For everything else I use the recommended settings from NVIDIA GeForce Experience. Please refer to myElden Ring Recolor Guide and Tutorialif you want to know how to create your own recolor mods or are curious about how I make them. If you like my mods, please leave an endorsement :)
Ultrawide UI Fixes
Remove black bars
Increase animation distanceDisable Sharpening
Texture Improvement
Gigapixel AI
Bloodborne Tools
Donations are also welcome and my PayPal is linked on my mod pages, but you are not obligated to do so.
I create mods that I want to make, and do not expect money in return.